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About WRM

Message from Worldlight Founder Bishop Dr. Emmanuel Apau

Message from Worldlight Founder Bishop Dr. Emmanuel Apau

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Worldlight Revival Ministries is a revival movement birthed by the Holy Spirit. The main purpose of WRM is to bring revival across the world in this end time. This will be done by letting the world know that Jesus is the light of the world and without him, we will all be in total darkness. "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (John 8.12 KJV). The light that the world needs is Jesus Christ and that is how the name Worldlight came about.

We strongly believe in the Word of God that with the word everything is possible, and know that everything exist because of the word and for that reason, the word has power to do what God sent it for.

We also believe in the done work on the cross, that only through the death of Christ can one be saved, by accepting Christ as his Lord and personal savior. We know that Christ has bought us with his precious blood, and on the cross he has finished the work by given us his blood (life) and body. We believe that through the blood and his name we have overcome the enemy. We  believe in the power and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. We believe in ministry of the Water/Word for our cleansing, the blood for our sanctification, and anointing/Spirit for our empowerment. Revival cannot take place without the Holy Ghost, therefore Worldlight continue to seek the rain of the Spirit through prayer and the word. When people finally experience Gods revival power, they will experience the light of God around them.

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