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Message from the President

Dear prospective student


Welcome to Worldlight Bible University College!

I deeply appreciate your interest in Worldlight Bible University College and I pray and believe you will find both our programs and resources will help you study to be “approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). 


Worldlight Bible University Collegeis one of the visions of  Worldlight Revival Ministry which seeks to equip workmen and women to be able to raisepeople to walk in Christ's lightand to preach Christ who isthe world’s light to the world. Our vision is to prepare end time ministers for the various ministerial fields like the evangelist, pastors, teachers, who will stand for the Truth, preach It and prepare people for the return of the Lord. We train our students to meet the demands of today's ministry. We hold internship programs, seasonal schools, seminars and workshops for all co-workers with Christ. 


In addition to that, Worldlight Bible University College, committed to the spiritual development of its students, endeavors to balance academic accomplishment with spiritual growth.  Students are encouraged to develop a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ and to exemplify a consistent life of Christian holiness. In harmony with this emphasis, the school aims at establishing a spiritual atmosphere on campus by promoting personal discipline, Christlike behavior, prevailing prayer, and spiritual fervor. It advocates a revivalistic style of worship in its 24 hour praise and worship services.


For those who qualify to enroll in our programs, we believe you will be transformed as you receive fresh, rich truths from the Word of God, nourishing and strengthening you to have  a deeper walk with our wonderful Lord Jesus. Thank you for spending time to get to know us. Why not take the next step and come see for yourself? We look forward to your visit.

God richly bless you!

Bishop Dr. Emmanuel D. Apau Jr.

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