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Queen Elizabeth II has died, now what?

The years of the reign of a ruler are important in the eyes of the Lord and in the realm of the spirit. Those who are sensitive and discerning acknowledge this fact and are able to gain insight concerning the move and the doings of God. Throughout the scriptures, it is undeniable that God works with time. God has always been strategic with how and when He moves or speaks. The ancient writers, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, diligently recorded these things. Isaiah writes, ”In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple”, Isaiah 6:1.

Moreso, He has ordained it that there is a time for everything under the sun. As Christians, it is important that we do not move in ignorance concerning those things which God, in His good pleasure, has found it pleasing to make known to us. Let’s not presume that the happenings concerning the thrones on earth occur simply by coincidence.

It’s true that the dates and times of all created beings are important in the eyes of God. After all, scripture does say that He has numbered the days in each of our lives. So, why are Kings and Queens any different? Is God a respecter of persons? No. Yet, we must remember that monarchy itself is important to God because it models the leadership structure of heaven. Heaven is a monarchy in its purest form. (slow) Jesus Christ reigns as King and Lord above all. His authority extends beyond the heavens and is exerted even here on earth.

In fact, according to Romans 13:1, anyone who holds power here on earth was appointed by Him. He ordains the number of years that each should reign. This brings us to the present time. Here we are. September 2022 and a highly regarded monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, has died. Simply understanding a few things about divine influence upon earthly governance should cause each of us to pause and wonder what God is doing in our days. Many things about her reign were significant. She was the longest-lived British monarch, the 2nd longest-serving monarch in world history, the only one to celebrate a platinum jubilee, and, even more significantly, she reigned for 70 years.

What must Christians do now that the queen has died? We must learn from Daniel. The Bible says that Daniel diligently searched the scriptures and discovered that 70 years were determined for the children of Israel to restrain the works of evil and to mark the reconciliation of the people to their God. In taking the time to study the Word and understand how God has moved in the past concerning the times and seasons, and especially in how it relates to rulers and their reigns, without a doubt, we can learn how to position ourselves and prepare for God’s next move.


  1. The History Press. “The top ten longest-reigning British monarchs,” Accessed October 10, 2022.

  2. NPR. “Queen Elizabeth II is the second-longest reigning monarch in history.” Accessed October 10, 2022.

  3. Historic Royal Palaces. “A HISTORY OF ROYAL JUBILEES. ” Accessed October 10, 2022.


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