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What can exercise teach us about evangelism?

The bible teaches us to "work out" our own salvation with fear and trembling. But what can faith and "working out" possibly have to do with one another? Some might argue that it may have been an easier pill to swallow if Paul, the speaker in this verse, avoided any comparisons to the one activity that makes so many of us breathe a heavy sigh. Yet there's a lot we can learn about sharing our faith when we take a closer look at exercise. In fact, they do have a lot of similarities.

Exercise and evangelism both, at least initially, require us to get out of our comfort zones.

Many people avoid exercise because, well, they simply don't feel like doing it. It just seems to take too many steps and forethought before getting started. Then there's also the fact that you might look awkward while doing it. The terrifying thoughts of what we look like to others while we work out in public...ah! All of this may in some way, shape, or form, be true. Likewise, we would all agree that it does take quite a bit of effort to get out of our comfort zones, ignore what others may think of us, and share our faith with others. Many testify that a primary reason they hold back on sharing their faith is the thoughts that suddenly flood your mind and the feelings of subliminal judgement from others the moment you begin to talk about Jesus. There’s a certain comfort we feel in remaining unexposed. We so often refrain from stretching our spiritual muscles. Yet, the truth is, not all things that are comfortable are healthy for us; neither spiritually nor physically. We are not called to be hidden, unbothered, and consumed with the comforts of the flesh. Rather, Christ has called us to shine ever so brightly as His lights in this world. In doing this, we not only brighten the lives of others, but also, we improve our own lives in in the process, both physically and spiritually.

What happens when we choose to get out there and flex those muscles?

1. We are encouraged to increase our understanding of scripture.

When you finally get outside with plans to take a high-impact jog, only to realize that you can barely keep up your pace in a fast walk. You might just find yourself motivated to get out and walk, even for only a few minutes, each day. Likewise, when you choose to share your faith, and are questioned about the reason you believe in Jesus Christ, you will find yourself with more motivation to take your bible study and quiet time a little bit more seriously that you may be strengthened in your faith and understanding about Jesus Christ.

"No one lights a lamp and covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he sets it on a stand, so those who enter can see the light." (Luke 8:16 BSB)

2. We are encouraged in our faith and saved from spiritual death.

Studies show that "doing just 15 minutes of physical activity over the course of a week is linked to a lower risk of dying prematurely compared to not exercising at all—as long as the movement gets your heart pumping" (Time, 2022). In our spiritual walk, there is no such thing as remaining in one place. You are either becoming stronger or growing weaker. Our salvation began with a public confession of our faith in Jesus Christ. We cannot therefore begin to consider our faith a private matter. The more you decide to hide your faith, the more you begin to live a double life. Yet, Christ has made it clear, that friendship with the world is enmity with God. In making it a regular practice to share our faith and live openly as a Christians, we save ourselves from the second death, everlasting shame and contempt.


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